Professionalism, responsibility, a spirit of hard work and always learning!
Hello! my name is Rizky Kurniawan, I am a fresh graduate from a private university in south Jakarta, majoring in Information Engineering. I started studying the web programming languages when I graduated and i really interested to building my career in web developer, especially frontend web developer, I started to explore it myself by studying through channels youtube from Web Programming UNPAS taught by Mr. Sandhika Galih he is a good person and awesome lecturer and also I learned it from others video, courses and a bootcamp web frontend developer.
I am interested in technological developments, especially in the frontend or UI and UX design. In this website I will put my creativity and share my projects that I have worked on. For now, the project I am working on is a personal project. I am very honour if I get suggest or information in this website to make myself better and continue to grow.
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